Friday, March 20, 2009

We serve a living God!

Hi all, want to share a thanksgiving with you guys!
It started when church asked for pledging 5 months ago. At that time, i dont think i can pledge cause I'm not working. I told God that I'm not working and has no income thus no need to pledge But my heart was not feeling at peace. Then marchze told me he wanted to pledge this certain amount and I was like 'wow', are you sure???
Then we decided to pray about it and see what God say. Our prayer:
1) God do you want us to pledge?
2) How much?
3) As individual or only Marchze?

God showed me malachi 3:10-12 and He specifically say to bring ALL into His store! 'ALL'??? 'Are you sure???' and He said "YES!"
He said 'you can pledge from the monthly expenses from the grocery.'
I said 'ok, if you say so.'

So we pledge as individuals, preparing to dip into our reserve (our children's saving) till it drop to 10% or maybe 0 by the end of the six months but at the same time, I know that God will provide us the money though i dont know how.......
5 months down the road, God provided ALL. Marchze received a bonus for year 2008 on his birthday. The amount is more than ALL OUR pledging + fund raising dinner payment + tryphena's homeschooling curriculum. (for those who have yet to know, we've just started our homeschooling journey for our kids, after much prayers also) :)
BUT the most amazing to us is not that but how God sustained us these 5 months. We've not once dip into our reserve and now we have this amount of savings in our bank. If we did not pledge in the first place, we would never have save this amount. In a way, God helped us to save!
Thank you God!!! We really serve a living God!!!
The Chngs

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