Sunday, June 11, 2006

Xing Long's Parents' Salvation

A Testimonial on Salvation and God’s Mercy

I’m thankful to God for my parent’s salvation. I feel that I owe God a testimonial so as to give others a hope in their parent’s salvation. I hope every word in my testimonial is what God wants me to write.

I have brought my parents to church on Christmas and Chinese New Year for about three years. However, for one year plus, I have not been attending church and thus did not bring my parents to church. Around Oct-05, my dad was diagnosed with lung cancer. Four months later, my dad’s illness worsens as the cancer cell spread from the lung to the brain, and his left part of his body was paralyzed.

My mom and I knew that we need to be prepared for the fact that my dad may not be able to live long. Besides being trouble by my dad’s illness, I was troubled by my studies and other problems. I pray to God for peace and guidance. I began to read his word and realized my life has drifted far away from God.

On Saturday night 25-mar-06, I decided to call Cam Yew and told him about the illness of my dad. On Sunday afternoon 26-mar-06, Cam Yew and Esther visited my parent. On their second visit in Sunday afternoon 09-apr-06, my parent spoke to them regarding the issue of seeking help from church to move from A.M.K. community hospital to a nursery home. In addition, my parents were hinting to us that they were considering to become Christian.

When Cam Yew asked me if my parent was willing to receive Jesus, I replied “No”. This was because my dad had always been reluctant to go to church. It was my mom who persuaded my dad to go to church all along. On one occasion, after my dad returned home from church that he told my mom and me that he does not want to go to church again.

After knowing that my parents were willing to become Christian, Cam Yew, Esther and myself were glad. We managed to contact Pastor James Lim of the “Lai Bai Shen” dialect outreach ministry. He visited my parent on Monday night 10-apr-06, and my parent prayed the sinner’s prayer. Thereafter, we contacted Rev Fong of the A.M.K. Chinese Methodist Church to visit my parents on Wednesday afternoon, 12-Apri-06 to discuss about the baptism. Then on Easter Sunday afternoon 16-apr-06, my parents were baptized in the presence of brothers-in-christ, sisters-in-christ and my relatives,

The most important lesson that I have learnt is that despite of a broken fellowship with God over the past one year plus, God remains merciful. It is God who saves my parents.

Perhaps for some of us, we may think that getting our loved ones to receive Jesus as their Savior is like pushing a concrete wall, but we never know until the last moment, God in his will is able to turn the situation around. I hope this testimonial will encourage you not to give up on your loved ones, to turn away from sins, to pray and to bring people to God.

Glory be to God, brother-in-christ, xing long

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Rebecca's Work Testimony

TESTIMONY FROM REBECCA LEE (dated somewhere in 2006)

I would just like to thank you for all your support and love for me. Seriously, I thank GOd so much that you guys continually keep me in your prayers. YOu guys are soo awesome and God is good =)

I have some great news for you! After three every difficult interviews...I got the job! Jess, its a really long story of faith and trust in God, but I will try to keep it short =)

Sometimes its so hard to understand GOd and why he's closing doors on you, why certain things are happening in your life. Throughout this year, I felt like that. Rejection letter after rejection letter. I asked God why He had to put me through so much torture. I also hated the feeling of not knowing what I'm doing after graduation. day, I get an email from Telus (the company I'm working for) telling me I've been selected for the 1st interview! I was SOO happy. Like I actually got a JOB INTERVIEW b4 graduation! That was all i wanted.

Two days after the 1st interview...the recruiter calls me for a SECOND interview. I was SOO happy =). I only could thank God for that. Then miraculously...I got a call again...and I made it to the FINAL round. All this was happening so fast. The last interview was the most terrifying and stressful experience I've ever had. It went from 2-6pm and I had to do a case study and presentation in 1.5 hrs then the remaining time the managers questioned me on my decisions and reasoning. I wanted to break down and cry, it was so difficult and I felt really incompetent because I did not have enough time to finish the case study.

I felt really discouraged from this interview, but I prayed to God telling Him that if it was His will that I get the job/or get rejected I would be at peace with it. However, I though it was so unfair because I was not myself that day and didn't have enought time! The next day, I get an email from the manager telling me she wanted to have a 15 min talk with me on the phone to hear about my thoughts on the last interview and clarify why I performed so differently from the 1st two interviews!

At this point, I was so happy. God had given me a "second chance" to explain myself. The manager told me she saw so much potential in me but wanted to know why I did poorly in the last interview. SHe really wanted to get to know the REAL me! So we had a really great talk and I told her the truth, how I didn't have enough time, how I was nervous...etc. SHe ended off asking me to convince her why she should hire me. God truely gave me this opportunity! I felt truely at peace knowing that she would be making a decision to hire me based on the REAL me, not because I screwed up on the last interview. I felt so at peace that day.

THEN...after 1 week, on my LAST day of school after *like 15 minutes* I finish my LAST essay. Telus calls me. I missed the call because I was in the kitchen. But when I saw that it was Telus, I knew this was it. Finally, I am going to see God's plan for me. If its yes, then I go to Toronto. If its no, then I go back home to Ottawa and look for a job. I prayed to God before calling Telus back. I was so scared, but I truely believed that He would provide, at the right timing. When I was truely ready I called them. The answer was YES!...

This is the cool part: Not only did God provide me with an interview, he provided me a JOB just as I finished my last day of school! Even better, I get to start in September! So I can have some bonding time with my family and say good bye! I can relax, travel, get my driver's license! Even all these needs in my heart were addressed by God. He took care of everything! Who am I to doubt God's greatness, His timing. This came at the perfect time. Now I understand why God made me go though all those rejections. He wanted to refine me, mold me into a woman of faith, of patience. And all I can say is: GOD IS GOOD! I give glory to Him and only Him for providing me with this job. Its totally not me! Its all God! I think this is one of those times where I can stand speechless, in awe of God, and only proclaim that He is good. I have no other words to describe how I feel right now.

So my story comes to an end. THe biggest lesson God wanted me to learn througout my university days was to have faith in Him. He wanted me to see his plan to completion right from the 1st day of school all the way to the last. When I look back, I wouldn't have wanted His plan to be any different. He has shaped me to become a strong woman of faith, I have a wonderful story to tell others, to encourage them. I feel free, finally from uncertainty. I can see this wonderful chapter has come to a beautiful end. Perhaps today is the happiest day of my life. But I know that God's faithfulness never changes. I want have unstoppable faith in God because I KNOW he is capable of providing MORE than I ever ask for! Now I must begin the next chapter of my life. =)

Thanks for all your prayers.

Your sister in Christ, Rebecca