Sunday, December 30, 2007

Testimony About Ethan ^_^

Thank you for journeying with Chin Meng & Phayling.

Here's the video presentation from them about Baby Ethan & God's hand of love and mercy upon their family. =)

May you be blessed as you view it. =)


1 comment:

mArChzE said...

Dear Chin Meng and Phay Ling,

Thanx for sharing so unreservedly about your struggles as parents, the joy of nurturing Ethan, and most importantly God and His empowerment that has been so poignant during this steep learning curve of being parents.

Thanx for your willingness to enter into this journey of self-discovery and knowing the Father heart of God.

Emmanuel - Our God is with us.

mArChzE, Ai Choo, trYphEnA and Jeremiah aka The Chngs.