Saturday, November 22, 2008

Prayer Focus 3: A Nation Transformed

(Review instructions here)

"Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever."
~ Daniel 12:3 ~

Pray for Singapore to be:-
  • A bright shining star where Christ is feared and honored in every level of decision making, every expression of society, every arena of national life and influence - Home & Family; Justice & Law; Defence; International Relations; Education; Health care; Life Sciences; Home affairs; Info. Technology; Media & the Arts; Entertainment & Tourism; Environment; National & Community Development; Manpower; Transport; Sports, etc.
  • A bright shining star in the arena of public administration, human resource development, economic innovation and entrepreneurship. That Singapore will bless the world in big ways to bring strategic change and practical benefits, with no strings attached.
  • A bright shining star in the arena of foreign policy and international affairs. That Singapore will be a peacemaker and a bridge builder, God's ambassador of reconciliation.
  • A bright shining star in the arena of humanitarian concerns, servant-leadership and volunteerism.
  • A bright shining star in the arena of media and the arts. That Singapore will showcase world-class works that are clean, creative and contemporary to unlock nations of His glory!

Pray for Singapore as the Spirit leads. Pour out your dreams, hopes, desires and burdens for this nation before the throne of grace. Ask the Lord to reveal to you His heart for this nation.

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